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Setting a static IP

This article contains instructions for setting your computer's Ethernet adapter to use a static IP address on the 192.168.1.* subnet. This is a necessary step for connecting to certain network devices via Ethernet, and is used in our config instructions for the EdgeRouter X and the Mesh AP.

Choose your computer's OS:

Windows (TBD)


  1. Open up System Preferences > Network.
  2. Select the Ethernet connection you have with the device you'd like to configure. Mac Network Settings 1
  3. Change the value of Configure IPv4 to Manually. Mac Network Settings 2
  4. Set the IP Address to
  5. Set the Subnet Mask to Mac Network Settings 3
  6. Click Apply


These instructions have only been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.

  1. Open your Settings > Network.
  2. Under the "wired" section, click the plus sign to create a new settings profile. Name the profile "Static IP" or whatever you want. Ubuntu Network Settings 1
  3. In the IPv4 tab, choose "Manual".
  4. Set the Address field to
  5. Set the Netmask to:
    (Leave Gateway empty, and DNS/Routes on `Automatic)  Ubuntu Network Settings 2
  6. Click "add"; you should see the profile appear in your settings. Select it when connected to activate the static IP configuration.


These steps use as the static IP, but it can be anything within the range (.0-.255) except for .0 (network), .1 (gateway), .20 (the mesh AP's default IP), and .255 (broadcast).